πŸ“• Node [[digital garden]]
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  • Seeds. Seed your garden with quality content and cultivate your curiosity. Plant seeds in your mind garden by taking smart personal notes (taking raw notes is useless). These don’t need to be written in a publishable form.

  • Trees. Grow your knowledge by forming new branches and connecting the dots. Write short structured notes articulating specific ideas and publish them in your digital garden. One note in your digital garden = one idea. (what you’re currently reading is such a note) Do not keep orphan notes. Thread your thoughts.

  • Fruits. Produce new work. These are more substantialβ€”essays, videos, maybe a book at some point. The kind of work researchers and creatives may hope will help them live beyond their expiration date.

    [[Maggie Appleton Garden]]

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πŸ“• Node [[digital_garden]] pulled by the Agora

Digital garden is a metaphor and a practice for a digital resource such as a website, usually managed (β€œgrown”) by one person. Its content is usually placed not chronologically, but in a different way. Incompleteness of content units such as articles is pretty common. An unfinished article is a sapling, and the webmaster is a gardener.

A digital garden is a sort of a personal website.

See Ρ†ΠΈΡ„Ρ€ΠΎΠ²ΠΎΠΉ сад for more information in Russian.

Some gardens and personal wikis:

See the rest of personal sites, some of them being digital gardens, at Invalid interwiki: interwiki not set up .

Agora aggregates digital gardens.

What to keep? 2022-07-22

Maybe I should delete everything related to things I dislike from my digital garden? Make it a bouncespace with smiles and joy


I don't think you should delete things that you once liked, and no longer do, I think you should just write that you're ideas about this thing changed instead.


J3s has an interesting take:

to me, it feels wrong. i don't write for meticulous care & growth, i write because i'm desperate to (connect, understand, remember, leave something behind)

it reminds me that i'll die someday & i want people to remember who i was, and how i thought. i leave tracings of myself in this abyss, hoping that it'll help other people. it's fragments of me.

that's no garden. it's a mortal abyss. and i find a lot of meaning staring into it.

Heh nice the digital garden metaphor makes an appearance in Free, Fair and Alive

Cannot transclude hypha Flux Garden because it does not exist

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